No matter how big or small an organisation is, problems will always arise. Managers in an organisation not only bridge the gap between their team and the higher management but also engage in delegating and troubleshooting.
Becoming a manager is a part of a natural career progression. This climb up the management ladder can be incredibly rewarding yet challenging at the same time. Managers have a difficult job at times, from dealing with client issues to putting out fires.
Problems at the management level can be tricky to solve, especially if you’re still finding your ground at the organisation. Some challenges are specific to new managers, but most are likely to stay with you throughout your professional career. Yet, some management problems can be easily addressed with some surprisingly simple solutions.
If you’re a manager wondering how you can manage better, this article explores simple solutions for common management issues. Let’s dive in!
Ineffective Time Management
As a manager, you’re riddled with multiple tasks to juggle all day. It’s easy to lose track of time with back-to-back meetings and calls. Underestimating how long a project or task takes to complete is a common error that causes delays. This error in judgement can push all things on your schedule and derail it completely.
The solution: technology.
A simple way to manage time effectively is by creating a calendar of tasks and events. If you’re looking to align your time management goals with your team members, your organisation can invest in software and tools that streamline this task. From garage manager software for automotive workshops to cloud-based financial tools for banking and financial institutions, managers can make the most of automotive tools for managing their day-to-day tasks.
Learning to Delegate
When dealing with problems, a good manager knows what variables can be controlled and works out a solution accordingly. They are wise enough to assign tasks to someone else so that they can make efficient use of their time. However, sometimes, it’s easy for managers to want to do everything themselves, which further leads to time delays.
The solution: Understand what you can control completely, partially, and have little or no control over.
The best course of action is to concentrate on the problems that you have complete control over and ignore the rest for the time being. The problems that cannot be solved can always be delegated. For example, let’s say you’re upgrading your cybersecurity and are looking for the best IT support in Leicester while also dealing with a looming deadline for a client. Delegating the search for an IT provider to a member of your IT department can help you focus better on what’s more urgent while also enabling you to prioritise your time better.
Letting Go of Employees
Managers make some of the toughest decisions for their companies, and letting go of someone at work is one of them. It’s never something you feel comfortable doing, no matter how experienced you are. The bottom line is that there’s no easy way around this task. Terminating employees always involves an unpleasant conversation that neither party is ready to be a part of.
What’s the solution?
One way to ease the process is by having a one-on-one meeting with the employee. You can discuss the issues related to their behaviour and performance and arrive at mutually agreeable solutions. You can also offer them a second chance at things by setting a probationary period and reassessing them at the end of it.
If you still have to let them go, then have a frank conversation and truthful explanation as to why you need to. This open communication can somewhat soothe the agony of the employee losing their job and your team losing a team member. Next, come up with a plan to compensate for the gap created and the workflow affected.
Performance Issues
Team performance is affected because of multiple factors. At times your employees may not perform up to the mark. It can affect the whole team at once if the pattern of low productivity continues.
What’s the solution?
One way to improve performance is to review processes, check workflow, and fix weak spots. Another approach is to listen to your employees and help solve their problems. For instance, you could have one-on-one meetings to go over expectations and ensure employees know their goals and targets.
Handling Conflicts
Conflicts can be tricky to handle in a workplace setup. Disagreements can arise between team members of the same team or different teams. They can also arise between you and your peer. Some managers avoid it, while others try to come up with solutions that flare up the problem even further.
What’s the solution?
A simple and effective solution to this problem is to organise a meeting with all conflicting parties to iron out all the problems. Remind them that all lose when the organisation loses. Explain that their behaviours and reactions need to be respectful and in line with the workplace environment. If needed, try to understand the underlying cause of the problem and address the frustrations of the parties.
Summing Up
Managers face new challenges and tasks every day. Along with these challenges come solutions that help improve teamwork, productivity, and personal growth. The key is to find simple and mutually beneficial solutions to any type of management-related problems.