Financial analysts almost unanimously call Bitcoin the most promising cryptocurrency of all existing today. In principle, during its existence it has proven that it is capable of growing in price and categorically strengthening its leading position in the foreign exchange market. Bitcoin has the most favorable forecasts, plus, many countries, following Japan (which, by the way, recognized it as an official state payment instrument), are considering its recognition, so investing in “bits” and accumulating such money is a fairly pressing issue for many.
There are many options for replenishing a Bitcoin wallet, and one of the increasingly popular exchange directions is) BitCoin cryptocurrency (BTC) to Skrill (Moneybookers). Additionally, if you’re exploring other cryptocurrencies, you can conveniently buy XRP with PayPal, offering a secure and straightforward way to diversify your digital assets. But here the question certainly arises: how to do it profitably, quickly and safely?
How to exchange cryptocurrencies at the most favorable rate, quickly and safely
You can exchange Bitcoin (BTC) to Skrill at This link will take you to the monitoring portal, which provides all the capabilities so that the visitor can convert cryptocurrencies quickly, safely and at minimal cost.
The resource collects and presents in the form of a rating information about exchange rates for electronic currencies and existing exchangers, which have been previously checked by the system for security and are actually functioning services (not “dummy” services, of which, unfortunately, there are many on the Internet). Thus, searching for exchange websites on takes a minute or two and is a kind of guarantor of customer safety.
When choosing an exchanger, you should start by studying the exchange rate, and also pay attention to additional conditions (commissions, restrictions) and foreign exchange reserves. Reviews from other clients about cooperation with this resource will not be superfluous. Then all you have to do is click on the name of the exchange office, and the system will transfer you to the selected resource.
Brief instructions for exchanging Bitcoin (BTC) to Skrill
After the client goes directly to the exchanger’s website, he has to complete several fairly simple steps:
- First, it is recommended to double-check the amounts for exchange, i.e. in the “Giving” column, indicate the allocated amount from your Skrill wallet and make sure that in the “Receiving” column the amount you need is highlighted;
- if everything is correct, then fill out the fields of the downloaded exchange application form (do this very carefully to avoid inaccuracies and errors, since it will be impossible to return incorrectly listed anonymous Bitcoin coins later). The application includes only the data that is necessary to carry out the transaction (wallet numbers, email address, mobile number for communication, etc.), you will not be asked for anything extra;
- double-check the data and click on the “Continue” button
- at this stage there should be an agreement to accept the terms of operation of the exchange service. You need to read it and put a mark (usually a “tick”) indicating consent;
- The next step is payment of the application. Detailed instructions on how to do this can be offered to the visitor on the exchanger’s website or sent by email;
- After completing the described actions (filling out an application, making a payment, several confirmations), the system should transfer the visitor to a page where the status of the application is reflected. The status of the transfer is visible here.
The described algorithm shows the general picture of the procedure, but each exchanger has its own nuances, which may be associated, for example, with the operating mode of the exchange service (automatic, semi-automatic, manual). But if you find yourself in a reliable exchanger that values its reputation and clients, then there will be no difficulties, since such resources usually have an intuitive interface, detailed and high-quality instructions, and 24-hour online support. Even a beginner who is encountering the work of online exchangers for the first time can easily understand the procedure.