Home Improvement Write for Us: Home Design & Decoration Guest Post

Thank you for considering contributing to Europeanraptors! We are excited to welcome passionate writers, home improvement enthusiasts, and industry experts to share their knowledge, experiences, and creative ideas with our growing community. If you have a talent for crafting engaging and informative content on home improvement, interior design, DIY projects, or related topics, we would love to hear from you. Please submite your articles to mail: info@europeanraptors.org

home improvement write for us

Submission Guidelines


Ensure that your proposed topic aligns with the theme of home improvement and resonates with our audience. We are looking for content related to renovation tips, design trends, DIY projects, home maintenance, and more. Your article should offer valuable insights and practical advice that can help our readers enhance their living spaces.


We highly value original content. Please submit articles that have not been published elsewhere. If your work is inspired by existing ideas, be sure to provide proper credit to the original source. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited, and all submissions will be checked for originality.


Aim for high-quality, well-researched, and engaging content. Our readers appreciate articles that offer in-depth analysis, useful tips, and a fresh perspective on home improvement topics. Your writing should be clear, concise, and free of grammatical errors.


Articles should typically range from 800 to 1500 words. This length allows for a comprehensive exploration of the topic without overwhelming the reader. Ensure that your content is detailed and informative, providing real value to our audience.


Use clear headings, subheadings, and bullet points to enhance readability. Breaking up your content into sections makes it easier for readers to follow and digest the information. Additionally, include relevant images, charts, or diagrams to complement your content. Visual aids can help illustrate your points and make your article more engaging.

How to Submit

If you are ready to contribute to Europeanraptors, please send your article proposal or completed draft to [Email]. Include a brief author bio and any relevant credentials or expertise you bring to the table. Our editorial team will review your submission and respond to you within 2 to 3 business days.

What to Include in Your Submission

  1. Article Proposal or Draft: Submit your article proposal or the completed draft of your article.
  2. Author Bio: Provide a brief bio about yourself, highlighting your experience and expertise in the home improvement field.
  3. Relevant Credentials: If applicable, include any relevant credentials or certifications that demonstrate your expertise.


By submitting your content to Europeanraptors, you acknowledge that:

  • The content becomes the property of Europeanraptors upon acceptance.
  • We reserve the right to edit, modify, or reject submissions at our discretion.
  • You are responsible for the originality and accuracy of the content.
  • You will not republish the content elsewhere without permission.

Join Our Community

Become a part of our community of contributors and help inspire our readers on their home improvement journey. Your valuable contributions can provide our audience with the knowledge and inspiration they need to transform their homes. We look forward to receiving your submissions and working with you to create amazing content!

For any questions or further information, feel free to reach out to us. Let’s work together to make Europeanraptors a go-to resource for home improvement enthusiasts everywhere!