Psychologists are always curious to know about the nature of genius people and the key characteristics that contribute to their behaviour, intelligence, and uniqueness. They have been researched over the years to examine the geniuses’ characteristics.
The debate of knowing more about the characteristics of genius people also leads students to write their theses on this topic. However, they find themselves in hot waters when writing this document as they don’t know where to start. If you also face difficulty, you have landed at the right place. In this article, we’ll share some steps to write a successful thesis about geniuses’ characteristics.
Before hopping on these steps, let’s first explore genius’s characteristics.
What are the Characteristics of Genius People?
Genius refers to people with extraordinary cognitive abilities and creative power. Psychologists define genius in terms of human intelligence quotient (IQ). As per the study by ResearchGata, people with more than 180 IQ levels are considered a genius, and about 1 in every 3150 people is a genius.
Apart from the IQ level, some core characteristics empower genius people to push the boundaries of human knowledge. Below are some of these key geniuses’ characteristics.
- One of the best characteristics of genius people is that they have the ability to focus and concentrate on complex issues.
- Genius people love abstract thinking. This unique quality helps them to connect things and get insights.
- They know how to maintain a balance between open-mindedness and skepticism.
- These people have a unique combination of self-control and intelligence, making them shine in the crowd.
Above we have just mentioned some of the key characteristics of genius people; however, there is an endless list of these qualities. Therefore, many students find it hard to complete their thesis on this vast collection of characteristics. Such students acquire help from a professional dissertation writing service.
Besides, they can follow these steps to write their theses on Geniuses’ characteristics, which we will mention in the next section.
7 Steps of Writing Thesis About Geniuses’ Characteristics
Writing a thesis about geniuses’ characteristics is not an easy task. It requires your energy, time, and hard work to take you across the line. Nonetheless, you can easily climb this mountain with the right strategies and writing plan. Therefore, to help you, we have shared a step-by-step guide to help you write a winning document.
Let’s get started.
1. Choose the Right Topic
Picking the right topic is the most fundamental step of thesis writing. So, when you pick a topic, ensure it matches your passion, field requirements, and academic aspiration. In addition, remember the following things when selecting a topic for your thesis about geniuses’ characteristics.
- Choose a topic that is relevant to your academic discipline. This will ensure you have the necessary background information to conduct further research.
- When selecting a topic, keep in mind that your topic is thought-provoking and can make a significant impact on your field.
- Make sure you choose a specific topic that is not too broad that it is difficult to cover or not too narrow that you cannot find relevant information about it.
2. Conduct a Comprehensive Literature Review
Once you have chosen a good topic for your thesis about geniuses’ characteristics, now conduct a thorough literature review to explore the existing research related to your topic. This preliminary research will assist you in finding further research. Additionally, by conducting a comprehensive literature review, you will be able to identify the following:
- Key theories
- Research gaps
- Controversies
Besides these, you can jot down any potential questions that come to your mind during this research and will find their answers during your principal study.
3. Write a Research Proposal
After conducting an in-depth literature review, you have to write a winning research proposal to get approval from the faculty advisors to research your chosen topic. If they approve your proposal, you can conduct principal research; otherwise, you must pick another topic.
The length and format of this document depend on your field and university’s requirements. Furthermore, in this document, you must outline your research objectives, the methods you will use, and an estimated timeframe to complete your work.
4. Conduct Principal Research
Once you have conducted a literature review and your proposal gets accepted, it’s time for the essential step of writing your thesis about geniuses’ characteristics: the principal research. At this stage, you have to know everything about your topic by exploring the existing research from other researchers.
In addition, you will define the precise parameters of the research gap so you know what to analyse during your research work. Follow the below steps to conduct successful principal research.
- Implement the research methodology that you have discussed in your research proposal.
- Collect the data from reliable resources.
- Using the data analysis method, analyse the data to address your research question.
5. Outline Your Thesis
Now that you have collected and analysed all the data related to your topic, it’s time to outline your thesis about geniuses’ characteristics in psychology. It is essential to outline the structure of your thesis before start writing. Although this outline is not the official part of your dissertation, it is significantly helpful to organise your ideas.
To craft a winning outline for your thesis, follow the tips below.
- Make notes during your research to write a perfect outline for your document.
- Compose each part of your thesis without adding unnecessary information.
- You can use the dissertation templates to make sure you follow the proper structure.
6. Write the Thesis About Geniuses’ Characteristics
After outlining the structure of the thesis, now you have to start writing your research document. This writing process can take weeks, months, or even years, so be ready for this long haul. In the body of your dissertation, you have to present your ideas in an organised and structured manner.
However, it is important to follow the dissertation format. This format depends on the disciplines you can explore in the university’s guidelines. For instance, in many disciplines, a thesis consists of different chapters, such as a literature review, methodology, or results. While in many other disciplines, each chapter works as an article, eventually strengthening your overall arguments.
7. Edit and Proofread
After the long writing process, ending your document as soon as possible is tempting. However, proofreading is essential in polishing your document and making it error-free. Additionally, this process will make your document coherent, clear, and adhere to academic guidelines.
You can follow the below tips to edit and proofread their thesis effectively.
- Read your dissertation aloud to identify the flaws you missed during the writing process.
- After writing, take a break and start proofreading with a fresh mind.
- Focus on one thing at a time. For example, in the first reading, look at your grammatical mistakes; in the second reading, check the grammatical errors, and so on.
What is the Best Font for Writing a Thesis About Geniuses’ Characteristics?
The font for writing your thesis depends on your institution’s requirements. Therefore, it is essential to explore your advisor’s guidelines before writing your document. However, if the font size is not mentioned in this document, you can use the Calibri 11pt or Times New Roman 12pt. Make sure you use the same font style and size throughout your document.
Psychologists always remain curious about genius people’s brain mechanisms and key characteristics. Therefore, they have been researching the qualities that make these people outshine the rest of the population. This curiosity also makes its way among research students and encourages them to write their thesis about geniuses’ characteristics.
However, writing a thesis on this intriguing topic can be challenging. Many students struggle with structuring their research effectively and presenting their findings cohesively. They can seek assistance from professionals at the best dissertation writing services in the UK to overcome these difficulties or follow a structured approach.
This article outlines essential steps to help students craft a compelling thesis. These include selecting a relevant topic, conducting a thorough literature review, writing a strong proposal, carrying out primary research, structuring the thesis effectively, drafting the content, and meticulously proofreading the final document. By following these steps, students can enhance the quality of their research and achieve academic success.
Author Bio
Robert Davey is a professional dissertation writer who earned his degree in psychology. From his student’s life, he has been curious about understanding the neural mechanism of genius people. He also encourages research students to conduct their research on this exciting topic and explore how genius people are different from others.